I saw this church from the car, on a side road, and decided to explore. The door was boarded up and there were KEEP OUT security signs on the churchyard gates, obviously I couldn’t get inside. But I could see fantastic patterned windows even from the outside, unlike anything I have ever seen before. All the windows, except the stained glass east window, are filled with leaded lights using pressed glass roundels and other linking shapes.
Moving around the church, I was even more excited to see that the roundels shifted in the next few windows to form quatrefoils, then trefoils, then quatrefoils arranged differently, on stalks and looking like flowers.
I haven’t discovered when these windows were made or by which firm, nor have I found anything similar in my books or internet searches. I know that patterned windows are usually ignored in the guidebooks (for this church the windows are described as eighteenth century but I think that refers to the stonework) but they are something that really interest me. The world of pattern takes you away from a particular time and place to an enjoyment of the play of universal shapes with the circle holding a particular fascination.
Here are some of my design from the 1990s when I started many large scale designs with circles combined in different ways. The pencil sketch is for a stretch of wall 26 metres long (drawn at 1:50) around a circular entrance space, it’s still there although the accompanying hanging glass piece isn’t. The coloured sketch below (drawn at 1:300!) is the only reminder I can find of a scheme for some huge windows in a shopping centre - this design rejected for being over complicated but, in my memory, one of my best ever.